Are All Of Our Rugs Available?
Posted on November 25, 2018
Susan Brouwer
Customers have asked, “Why can I put a rug in my cart if it’s not available?”
We understand the confusion. We haven’t figured out a better way to handle it. All of the rugs on our web site are available. It just may take time for them to arrive. We can’t make a rug available, even if there is a wait, unless it’s posted on our website.
We have several categories of rugs:
- Programmed rugs: A rug design that is made in several standard sizes. Because handknotted rugs are not made in large quantities, there may be limited sizes available at any one time. If your size is not available currently, we can check on any rug to find out when another in your size will be arriving, whether there is one on the loom, on the sea, etc.
- Rugs that are part of a collection but that are not stocked: These are made-to-order rugs and can be made for you. To do this we require a deposit with the balance due when the rug arrives.
- Rugs that are available in one size only, or have been made in one or two sizes only: If the actual rug on our web site is no longer available, we will check for you to see if another has been made. Keep in mind: Unless a rug is one-of-a-kind, meaning there will never be another like it, we can always have a rug made for you that may not currently be available but that is pictured on our website.
- One-of-a-kind: We have very few of this category, mostly Persian tribal types of rugs (Kashkuli, Gabbeh, the Gaon Naksha Tibetan rugs, etc.) We are always happy to find out what is available in similar designs in the size you need.
Another important thing to remember is that all of our rugs, except perhaps the one-of-a-kind type, may be customized in special sizes and even colors.